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Our clubs

Our clubs

Akadeemia tee 30

1200 m2 / 1 gym for group trainings 210 m2
Total of 12 Technogym treadmills, 2 Skill Mills treadmills,  10 Gymtec training bikes, 8 Gymtec crosstrainers, 20 Gymleco block machines and 30 Gymleco free weight machines, 1 professional press bench for competitions, professional press bench, elevated floor, 4 C2 rowing machines, 1 SkiErg, 1 YOYO Leg Curl http://www.nhance.ee/reie-2/

1 Technogym Stairmaster

Opening hours:
06:00 - 00:00 (entering gym in this time)

By registering your car number in the parking kiosk in the sports club, you can park for free up to 3 hours in front of the building.